No Poop Train For MN Septic System Owners

Disposing Of Septic Tank ContentsYou may have read about the New York Poop Train that was stranded in a small Alabama community for two months. As CSI Custom Septic, Inc. will explain, Minnesota Septic Tank Owners don’t have to worry about that disgusting scenario. The scientific process that goes on inside of your Septic Tank can actually be quite interesting. However, what isn’t orgainically broken down and decontaminated through the On-site Sewage Treatment System can be Pumped Out by a Septic Maintenance Company. Contractors are required to bring the Septage, aka Sludge or Sewer Solids, to a proper disposal site.


Organic Treatment Process Inside Septic Tank

The Organic Treatment Process for Sewage Inside of the Septic Tank is highly dependent on Bacteria. As wastewater travels from the home and into the underground septic tank, it naturally separates into three layers. Everything from the kitchen, bath and laundry will be a part of the sewage inside of the septic tank.

The lightest materials float up to the top of the septic tank and form the Scum Layer. This may consist of cooking fats, grease, and fibers. Solid materials that are heaviest will sink to the bottom of the tank and form the Sludge Layer. Liquids make up the third layer in the middle section of the tank. This is known as the Effluent Layer. It takes about 24 hours for the septage, fats and water to settle into the 3 layers.


Bacteria Living Inside Septic Tanks

Human waste product carries bacteria. The Bacteria Living Inside of the Septic Tank works at organically decomposing the sewage in the tank. Liquids can flow out of the tank through an outlet sewer pipe. About half of the sludge that has sunken to the bottom of the tank will be partially decomposed by the Bacteria. Anything that cannot flow out through the outlet pipe or be decomposed through bacterial action, will have to be cleaned out by a Septic Tank Pumper Truck.


Disposing Of Septic Tank Septage

The removal and disposal of Septic Tank Septage is regulated by the EPA. In Minnesota, the MPCA requires that a Licensed Septic Maintainer (pumper) must dispose of sewage according to local government regulations.

Septage can be stored in 50,000 gallon tanks that have been designed by a professional engineer and registered with the MPCA. Sludge can be taken to a Sewage Treatment Plant if the facility will accept the material for further treatment. septage may be used as Fertilizer if Land Application has been approved.


MPCA Certified Septic Company

Minnesota’s Licensed Septic Contractors must follow the rules that are regulated by the MPCA. As an MPCA Certified Septic Business, CSI Custom Septic, Inc. is careful to follow all public safety regulations when it comes to MN Septic Tank Systems. We work hard to make sure that septic systems work properly to Organically Decompose Sewage so that it will never be shipped to some unsuspecting community.

Contact Custom Septic, Inc. (CSI) at 763-218-4769 for Septic System Designing, Septic Inspections and Repairs.