Custom Septic β Expert Septic Contractors MN
Custom Septic Inc. is a family-owned business that provides a comprehensive approach to providing every client with exceptional and quality service they deserve. CSI. is a leader in providing septic services to our clients by exercising integrity and our attention to detail. Our mission is to establish lasting relationships with our clients by going above and beyond their expectations and gaining their trust through remarkable service.
Meet the Owner, Brad Krotzer
Brad Krotzer, owner of Custom Septic, Inc., started installing septic systems with his father when he was 11 years old. Brad started his own septic inspections and installation company in 1996 after attending classes at the University of Minnesota.
Brad is licensed and certified with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPC). As a septic contractor, Brad has completed all types of work in north Minnesota including septic installation in St. Michael, Buffalo, and has completed septic design projects in Elk River.
Brad’s pledge is to provide his personal expertise and excellent service to each one of his clients. Brad knows how important your home is–he personally works on your septic system from start to finish. He takes pride in his work and encourages you to call his references to prove his dedication and customer satisfaction is trusted all throughout Minnesota.
Custom Septic, Inc. Certified, Licensed, Bonded, & Insured.
βOne of the things that sets custom septic apart from some of the other installers is that he (Brad) is one of the installers on the job. He is the one at the job doing the work–not like some septic installers that that have hired help and you never see them. Brad will be onsite working and running the project giving it his personal attention.β – Satisfied Client