Custom Septic's Blog

MN Septic Compliance Inspector part 2

Septic Tank System Code Requirements I think that we can all agree that contaminated drinking water is a very bad thing. Since Untreated Raw Sewage and household wastewater is sometimes the source of contamination, the State of Minnesota regulates Private Septic...

MN Septic Compliance Inspector pt 1

On Site Individual Sewer Systems You take care of your home and vehicle as a way of Protecting Your Investment and the Safety of Your Family. Taking good care of a Septic Tank System is just as important. Having a Septic Compliance Inspection once every 3 years can...

Happy Independence Day!!!

Celebrate Life & Liberty & Freedom & Independence Happy Birthday America! Every July 4th Holiday can be spent remembering the enormous sacrifice and bravery that was necessary to keep America free from tyranny and control of another government. Americans...