Efficient Long Lasting Septic Systems
As a MPCA Certified Septic System Designer, Brad Krotzer of CSI Custom Septic, Inc. has experienced just about everything having to do with Septic Design and Installation. Choosing the most Affordable Septic System Option for an individual home or lake property must take into consideration state and local standards, ongoing maintenance and sustainability of the On Site Wastewater Treatment System. Many Minnesota property owners want an efficient septic system that requires minimal care, lower maintenance costs and provides Long Lasting Results that won’t break the budget.
Affordable Septic System Design Options
An Efficient and Long Lasting Private Septic System can be the most affordable option for residential and commercial properties that are not connected to a municipal sewer system. In many areas of Minnesota an individual sewage disposal and treatment system is pretty much the only option to comply with government regulations and protect the health of your family and community. Soil-based Sewage Treatment Systems can be found in countless communities around Minnesota.
Common Soil Based Septic System Designs
- Gravity Trench Septic System
- Elevated Sand Mound Septic System
- At-Grade Drainfield Septic System
Site and Soil Factors of Septic System Design
The Best Septic System Design Option is the one that meets the needs of the individual property. For maximum safety and efficiency, careful planning must take place before construction begins on a new or replacement septic system. Your septic system designer should take into consideration the following site specific factors before recommending which type of septic system should be installed on the property.
- How much daily wastewater flow is expected to be processed through the septic tank and soil treatment area of the drain field?
- How suitable is the soil for building a conventional gravity septic system? Is the soil consistency is it too porous or not porous enough like clay? How deep is the permeable soil before encountering sticky clay or a hard surface?
- Are site conditions are more suitable for an elevated sand mound system? A mound system is often chosen for areas where the soil is unacceptable for an at-grade septic system or there are shore land factors to consider.
- What are the setback requirements for the property? Are there other structures or a private well that must be protected from contamination from sewage water?
MPCA Certified MN Septic Design System Experts
Today’s On-Site Septic Systems are designed to treat wastewater by organically removing contaminants before it comes into contact with humans or the water supply. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) sets standards that are recognized across the state. Many local governments also have their own Local Septic System Rules put in place. CSI Custom Septic, Inc. has the skills, equipment, expertise and MPCA Certification to provide excellent results in Septic Design and Septic System Construction & Installation.
In Big Lake, Buffalo, East Bethel and Ramsey MN, contact Brad at CSI Custom Septic, Inc. for a Free Estimate on a New or Replacement Septic System Design at: (763) 218-4769