Disposable Wipes Not Septic Safe | Sewer Safe | Flushable
MN Septic Contractors known for years that Disposable Wipes cause expensive problems for Wastewater Disposal Systems. The problems have escalated to the point that the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) is calling for a Ban on the words “Flushable”, “Septic Safe” or “Sewer Safe”. Cities around the state are reporting the high costs of unclogging sewer pipes and screens. If MN cities are hurting under the burden of these Sewer System Problems just imagine the cost to an average homeowner in Andover, East Bethel or Ham Lake MN. Take the advice of an MPCA Certified Septic Professional like Brad Krotzer of Custom Septic, Inc. (CSI) and avoid tossing any type of Moist Disposable Wipe in your toilet.
What Are Flushable Wipes?
You know those Pre-Moistened Cloths that are marketed for everything from cleaning a baby’s bottom to personal hygiene to cleaning your house? These are all considered to be Disposable Wipes. Many of the packages have words such as Flushable, Sewer Safe or Septic Safe, indicating that they are okay to flush down the toilet.
- Baby Wipes
- Toddler Wipes
- Feminine Hygiene Cloths
- Facial Cleansing Cloths
- Personal Cleansing Wipes
- Housecleaning Wipes
Risks of Flushing Moist Wipes Down Toilet
Some companies that make Pre Moistened Disposable Cloths claim that their products will sufficiently break apart once they enter the Sewer System. The problem is the amount of time it takes for a cloth to break down and disintegrate. They are quite likely to get hung up on a screen or catch on a chunk of grease or debris before the breakdown process begins. Listed below is some of the Risks Associated with Flushing Wipes Down the Toilet:
- Sewage Back Ups
- Expensive Septic System Repairs
- Clogging Sewer Pipes
- Overflowing Toilets
- Clogged Septic Screens
- Pumping out Septic Tanks more often
- Increased Sewer Bills for residents on municipal wastewater systems
- Premature Replacement of Wastewater Collection and Disposal Systems
Do Not Flush!
The MPCA has spoken up recently about the Hazards of Flushable Wipes. They are asking for labeling changes to take place in Minnesota. Package labels would change wording from “Flushable” to “Do Not Flush”. The hope is for fewer wipes to be flushed down the toilet and fewer dollars spent unnecessarily on Expensive Sewage Maintenance and Repairs.
MPCA Certified Septic Professional
Contact Custom Septic Inc. (CSI) for Reliable Septic System Services. CSI is a MPCA Certified Septic Professional with 20 years of experience in Compliance Inspections, Septic Repairs and Septic Installations. We are up to date on the latest advances in Wastewater Disposal and Treatment Systems and provide only the Highest Quality Workmanship at a Fair and Honest Price.
For quality septic services in Andover, East Bethel, Ham Lake MN, contact the Sewer Experts at Custom Septic, Inc. (CSI) at 763-218-4769.